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Object Timeline
1980 |
2015 |
2016 |
2025 |
Frame Frame
This is a frame. It was manufactured by Elkington & Co.. It is dated 1886 and we acquired it in 1980. Its medium is copper, silver . It is a part of the Product Design and Decorative Arts department.
This object was
donated by
Ronald Fritz.
It is credited Gift of Ronal Fritz.
Our curators have highlighted 2 objects that are related to this one.
Its dimensions are
H x W x D: 33.5 × 25.5 × 2 cm (13 3/16 × 10 1/16 × 13/16 in.)
It has the following markings
Applied on backside of frame: [1] “ELKINGTON” under a crown and above an “A” within a barrel-shaped frame, on applied diamond-shaped label (manufacturer’s mark; date letter, 1886)
It is inscribed
Inscribed on plaque at bottom, center: [1] "1837-1887" over intertwined "L J" and "T"
Cite this object as
Frame Frame; Manufactured by Elkington & Co.; copper, silver ; H x W x D: 33.5 × 25.5 × 2 cm (13 3/16 × 10 1/16 × 13/16 in.); Gift of Ronal Fritz; 1980-49-1
This object was previously on display as a part of the exhibition Thom Browne Selects.