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2025 |
Pitcher Pitcher
This is a Pitcher. It was attributed to H. Baggeley. It is dated ca. 1855 and we acquired it in 1989. Its medium is porcelain, vitreous enamel, gold. It is a part of the Product Design and Decorative Arts department.
This pitcher was made to celebrate the 1855 International Exposition in Paris. The coats of arms of the participating nations are represented around the sides of the pitcher: France, Great Britain, Belgium, Switzerland, Denmark, Prussia, Sweden, Brazil, The Papal States, Portugal, Turkey, Holland, Russia, American, Austria, Bavaria, Greece, Spain and Sardinia. ( Collecting A-Z, 1993)
It is credited Museum purchase from Decorative Arts Association Acquisition Fund.
Its dimensions are
H x W x D: 37.5 × 27.5 × 20 cm (14 3/4 × 10 13/16 × 7 7/8 in.)
It has the following markings
It is signed
It is inscribed
Cite this object as
Pitcher Pitcher; Attributed to H. Baggeley (United Kingdom); England; porcelain, vitreous enamel, gold; H x W x D: 37.5 × 27.5 × 20 cm (14 3/4 × 10 13/16 × 7 7/8 in.); Museum purchase from Decorative Arts Association Acquisition Fund; 1989-63-1