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Object Timeline
2006 |
2011 |
2015 |
2025 |
Textile, Topography
This is a Textile. It was produced by Knoll Textiles. It is dated 2006 and we acquired it in 2011. Its medium is 55% polyester, 29% cotton, 13% acrylic, 3% rayon and its technique is woven. It is a part of the Textiles department.
This object was
donated by
Knoll Textiles.
It is credited Gift of Knoll Textiles.
Its dimensions are
H x W: 336.1 x 142.2 cm (11 ft. 5/16 in. x 56 in.)
Cite this object as
Textile, Topography; Produced by Knoll Textiles (United States); USA; 55% polyester, 29% cotton, 13% acrylic, 3% rayon; H x W: 336.1 x 142.2 cm (11 ft. 5/16 in. x 56 in.); Gift of Knoll Textiles; 2011-40-3