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Object Timeline
1910 |
2012 |
2014 |
2025 |
This is a Pitcher. It was designed by Marie Kirschner and manufactured by Johann Loetz Witwe. It is dated ca. 1905 and we acquired it in 2012. Its medium is mold-blown glass. It is a part of the Product Design and Decorative Arts department.
This object was
donated by
Elizabeth Ainslie and Lee Ainslie.
It is credited Gift of Elizabeth and Lee Ainslie.
Our curators have highlighted 1 object that are related to this one.
Its dimensions are
H x diam: 17.1 x 22.9cm (6 3/4in. x 9 in.)
Cite this object as
Pitcher; Designed by Marie Kirschner (German, 1852 - 1931); Manufactured by Johann Loetz Witwe; mold-blown glass; H x diam: 17.1 x 22.9cm (6 3/4in. x 9 in.) ; Gift of Elizabeth and Lee Ainslie; 2012-25-1
This object was previously on display as a part of the exhibition Teaspoon Gallery: Recent Acquisitions.