Object Timeline
2017 |
2019 |
2025 |
Coat, Cilllia
This is a Coat. It was designed by Jifei Ou and Hiroshi Ishii and manufactured by Tangible Media Group. It is dated 2017-19. Its medium is samples (5), touch samples (5), coat. It is a part of the department.
Hair-like structures in and on bodies are some of the most multifunctional devices across the animal kingdom, providing warmth, acting as sensors, and even aiding movement. Working with a computational method that approximates the geometry of natural hair, researchers from MIT Media Lab have developed a way of 3D printing hair structures, called Cilllia, and programming them to control functionality.
It is credited Courtesy of the Tangible Media Group.
This object was previously on display as a part of the exhibition Nature—Cooper Hewitt Design Triennial.