People who've collaborated with Stefan Sagmeister
There are 20 people who've collaborated with Stefan Sagmeister on objects in our collection.
See all the people who've helped bring their work in to our collection.
Sagmeister Inc.
They worked on 10 objects together as a graphic designer or a for or a firm
Anni Kuan
Matthias Ernstberger
They worked on 3 objects together as a art director or a designer or a design team member
Martin Woodtli
They worked on 2 objects together as a designer or a illustrator
Tom Schierlitz
They worked on 2 objects together as a photographer
Bela Borsodi
They worked on 2 objects together as a photographer
Bent Karlby
They worked on one object together as a designer
Casa da Música
They worked on one object together as a client
Porto 2011
They worked on one object together as a client
Zumtobel AG
They worked on one object together as a manufacturer
Joe Stone
They worked on one object together as a design team member
Mark Pernice
They worked on one object together as a photographer
Izabella Bielawska
They worked on one object together as a photographer
Levi Strauss
They worked on one object together as a client
Hjalti Karlsson
They worked on one object together as a designer
Susan Stava
They worked on one object together as a photographer
Capitol Records
They worked on one object together as a client
Richard The
They worked on one object together as a design team member
Joe Shouldice
They worked on one object together as a design team member
AIGA National Conference
They worked on one object together as a client