We found 2,590 results
in all categories where the query is royal pavilion at brighton and the location is italy. The results are sorted in descending order by relevance. This is page 1 of 72.
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- Relevance
- Accession Number
- Date Last Photographed
- Year Acquired
- On Display
- Decade
- Image Complexity (Beta)
- Width
- Height
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- Longest Side Length
- Shortest Side Length
Image Availability
- With Images (2,569 results)
- Without Images (21 results)
- Doesn't Matter (2,590 results)
Image Rights
- No Known Copyright (2,233 results)
- Indeterminate or Under Copyright (357 results)
- Doesn't Matter
Result Category
- Objects (2,590 results)
Display Status
- In Storage (2,590 results)
- italy (2,590 results)
Museum Department
- Drawings, Prints, and Graphic Design (2,394 results)
- Textiles (120 results)
- Product Design and Decorative Arts (76 results)
- pen and brown ink, brush and brown wash on off-white laid paper, lined (125 results)
- pen and ink, brush and wash on paper (115 results)
- pen and brown ink, brush and brown wash on lined off-white laid paper (107 results)
- engraving on paper (54 results)
- pen and brown ink, brush and brown wash on off-white laid paper (46 results)
- pen and ink on paper (46 results)
- graphite on paper (46 results)
- pen and ink, brush and watercolor on paper (37 results)
- linen (34 results)
- graphite, pen and ink, brush and watercolor on paper (33 results)
- Drawing (2,098 results)
- Print (171 results)
- Sketchbook folio (47 results)
- Album page (45 results)
- Lantern slide (20 results)
- Fragment (18 results)
- Textile (12 results)
- Sampler (11 results)
- border (10 results)
- Band (9 results)