We found 1 result
in all categories where the query is donald deskey and the width is lt5. The results are sorted in descending order by relevance.
Sort By
- Relevance
- Accession Number
- Date Last Photographed
- Year Acquired
- On Display
- Decade
- Image Complexity (Beta)
- Width
- Height
- Depth
- Longest Side Length
- Shortest Side Length
Image Availability
- With Images (1 results)
- Without Images (0 results)
- Doesn't Matter (1 results)
Image Rights
- Indeterminate or Under Copyright (1 results)
- Doesn't Matter
Result Category
- Objects (1 results)
Display Status
- In Storage (1 results)
Museum Department
- Drawings, Prints, and Graphic Design (1 results)
- graphite on tracing paper (1 results)
- Drawing (1 results)
Height (cm)
- 10-50 (1 results)