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Paper Construction, White Noise, Rainbow Bubble Blast and Crackly White Noise

This is a Paper construction. It was written by David A. Carter and designed by David A. Carter and published by Little Simon. Its medium is cut paper. It is a part of the Smithsonian Libraries department.

Carter, a master paper engineer, has created more than 70 pop-up books. He is acclaimed for his use of color, shape, and surface. As part of a five book series on color, White Noise presents nine captivating and elaborate pop up sculptures, each exploring the connection between sound, color, and movable form. Carter’s works are innovative creations in three-dimensional form, with sculptural constructions that rise from the page.

It is credited Collection of Smithsonian Institution Libraries.

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<ref name=CH>{{cite web |url= |title=Paper Construction, White Noise, Rainbow Bubble Blast and Crackly White Noise |author=Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum |accessdate=8 May 2024 |publisher=Smithsonian Institution}}</ref>