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Sidewall, Nitty Gritty

This is a sidewall. It was manufactured by United-DeSoto Wallpaper Company. It is dated 1968 and we acquired it in 1994. Its medium is machine-printed vinyl, paper-backed. It is a part of the Wallcoverings department.

Nitty Gritty was a new idea in wallpaper, designed in a graffiti-style to appeal to the under thirty consumer. Printed on vinyl this design is scrubbable, pre-pasted and strippable to make installation easier for this new market of do-it-yourselfers. The more neutral colors on this pattern would have formed a nice backdrop for the boldly patterned accessories so popular at this time.

This object was donated by Ms. Nancy D. Flinchum. It is credited Gift of Nancy Flinchum.

Its dimensions are

H x W: 188 x 69 cm (74 x 27 3/16 in. )

Cite this object as

Sidewall, Nitty Gritty; Manufactured by United-DeSoto Wallpaper Company; USA; machine-printed vinyl, paper-backed; H x W: 188 x 69 cm (74 x 27 3/16 in. ); Gift of Nancy Flinchum; 1994-127-1

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<ref name=CH>{{cite web |url= |title=Sidewall, Nitty Gritty |author=Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum |accessdate=22 January 2025 |publisher=Smithsonian Institution}}</ref>