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Object Timeline
1936 |
1998 |
2013 |
2025 |
Sidewall, Victoria
This is a sidewall. It was manufactured by André Mauny. It is dated 1936 and we acquired it in 1998. Its medium is block printed on continuous paper. It is a part of the Wallcoverings department.
Drapery paper showing an extreme drapery pattern with swags, poufs, beading, cording, and bullion fringe. Along with all the applied trimmings the drapery also contains a pattern of floral swags and sprigs. Very busy but the effect is softened by the monochrome gray palette, making this a good selection for a boudoir or powder room. A reproduction paper woodblock printed in the manner of the original.
This object was
donated by
The Museum at The Fashion Institute of Technology.
It is credited Gift of The Museum at The Fashion Institute of Technology.
Cite this object as
Sidewall, Victoria; Manufactured by André Mauny; France; block printed on continuous paper; Gift of The Museum at The Fashion Institute of Technology; 1998-75-68