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Object Timeline
2008 |
2015 |
2025 |
Sheung Wan Hotel (unbuilt)
This is a Sheung Wan Hotel (unbuilt). It was designed by Heatherwick Studio and Thomas Heatherwick and made for (as the client) Lucid Rich, Kush. It is dated 2008.
How can a new building fit into the atmosphere of a busy old district of Hong Kong?
For this new forty-story hotel in Hong Kong’s Sheung Wan district, the studio wanted the building’s inside to relate to its outside. Every hotel room contains a familiar set of objects—bed, window, mini-bar, and safe— that the studio interpreted as a series of boxes. A set of four different-sized boxes form the furniture and fittings of each room and, as a result, the building’s façade is composed of the outsides of these thousands of boxes. Varying how far each box protrudes gives the building a rugged, textured facade that contrasts with the sleekness of most new buildings.
It is credited Courtesy of Heatherwick Studio.
This object was previously on display as a part of the exhibition Provocations: The Architecture and Design of Heatherwick Studio.